WIAW: 2 Years of Blogging

It’s a special day today!!! It’s my 2 year blogiversary!

I can’t believe that it’s already been 2 years that I’ve been writing here. I feel like I just started! But on the other hand, I feel like it’s such a natural part of my life.

In celebration of 2 happy years of blogging, I decided to give the blog a facelift! I got a new logo and some other fun things (more on that later) a while ago and decided to freshen up the blog layout. Let me know what you think! I’m still doing some final tweaking but it should be completely done by the end of the day.

What better way to celebrate a blog anniversary than with What I Ate Wednesday?


Fair warning, I had a LONG DAY yesterday (started classes at 10am and didn’t get off work until 11pm) and was in a great hurry with these pictures! We can’t all be artistic geniuses all the time. πŸ˜‰

Breakfast:Β multigrain pancake, fried egg, banana on the go

Lunch:Β smoked turkey on whole wheat bread with spouts, marinated tomatoes, and dressing, ginger ale, potato chips

We hadn’t been to the Cheese Shop in WAY TOO LONG! A visit for some delicious sandwiches was necessary. Complete with a local Williamsburg ginger ale, some salty chips, and some iPhone photos.

Then we went to more classes and soon enough I was hungry for an afternoon snack. Odwalla bar to the rescue!

After classes we went home and I changed into my work clothes while chugging some of this good stuff.

And after I got home from work I was starving so I heated up some leftovers. Leftovers can be so darn convenient!

I just realized that the only vegetable I ate was the sprouts on my sandwich.


Tomorrow I’m eating spinach all day.

Not really. Not at all.

Thanks for reading! And thanks for being there for these awesome 2 years!



11 Responses

  1. Jebbica

    Love the new blog logo!

  2. Athena R

    Happy Blogiversary! Also, I do love the new logo. Here’s to many more years of blogging!

  3. deborah

    Happy 2 years of blogging, and may you have many, many, more. The new logo looks awesome, and I love reading and viewing your amazing photos of food.

  4. Emily

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your new layout! It looks fabulous! I can’t believe LWW has been up and running for two whole years! Can’t wait to see where you take it in the future!

  5. Nala S

    Happy Blogiversary!!!

    I hope you continue to blog sucessfully =)

    • Lauren

      Thank you, I hope so too!

  6. Cait

    LOVE the new layout! I know I have been needing one badly. Those leftovers look amazing as well!

    • Lauren

      Thanks! πŸ™‚

  7. Tasha

    Lauren: Happy blogiversary!! Random question…will your new layout have a button to go to previous blog posts? Or is there already one that I’ve missed?

    • Lauren

      Funny you should mention that–I’ve been working on it! I’m trying to make it so that those ‘previous post’ and ‘next post’ buttons show up on each page. Should be up today! πŸ™‚

  8. Malana Tucker

    Hey L, Congratulations on 2 years of blogging! I’ve just been enjoying your post for the past few months and I really do feel as if I’m stealing sometimes because I enjoy them so much. You are young beautiful and smart! It’s so inspiring to see young people with such drive and you and hubby seem to be a great compliment to each other. Keep on pushing—you are inspiring the young, and “women of a certain age (as Wendy Williams would say) HA! STAY UP!!