Italian Bread for Dinner
OK so I realize that I just discussed how important whole grains are in my last post, BUT we’re still very much in the transition. And so today, I was craving italian bread. White, soft, fluffy, italian bread. I’m sure there is a way to make this with whole wheat, hopefully I’ll try that in the future (stay tuned). This was actually my first crack at Italian bread, and I’m really happy with how it came out. Jason gave it the Italian thumbs-up, so I consider that to be pretty good.
I used’s recipe for this bread. It was very highly rated and with good reason! I made the dough in my food processor which worked amazingly well, I didn’t even have to hand knead (which is good because my wrist is sprained). I HIGHLY recommend this recipe.
A few pictures of the process:

It went perfectly with our spaghetti and meatballs. Except that I ate more bread than spaghetti and meatballs.
I hope you like restaurant reviews because tomorrow is my birthday and I’d like to take you along for my birthday dinner! Hope to see you then, and thanks for reading!