Raw Breakfast Bowl
I haven’t had a lazy morning in months, and so I’ve been catching up with lotsss of them in a row since we took the bar exam. It’s amazing. Maybe I’ll even re-discover what a weekend is, too.
Even though I have plenty of time to make breakfast in the mornings now, I still enjoy being able to throw something together really fast. When it’s my morning to walk Cynny (that’s little dude’s nickname now, pronounced “Kenny” ๐ ), I usually come back home starving and wanting to shove something in my face immediately.
During bar prep I started making myself these breakfast bowls. They take 1 whole minute to put together and can keep you full for hours.
I keep all the ingredients raw because it’s faster and there’s more nutrition that way! The basic components are greek yogurt, raw fruit, raw oats, raw nuts, and raw honey. You can mix and match the nuts and fruit as you like, but this is how I make mine:
1 Minute Raw Breakfast Bowl
Prep Time: 1 minute!
Keywords: entree snack breakfast strawberries oats
Ingredients (serves 1)
- 2/3 c.-1 c. greek yogurt
- 1/4 c. raw slivered almonds
- 1/4 c. raw oats
- 1/2 c. raw berries
- 1 t. raw honey
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and go!
Don’t forget overnight oats (here’s how I make it) as a great breakfast option when you’re short on time! That’s another big favorite of mine when I can remember to assemble it the night before.
If you’ve never eaten oats raw before, don’t be afraid! You’ll probably be surprised at how good they taste. Add a cup of tea and you’re set for the morning, in less time than it takes you to brush your teeth.
My BFF is coming to stay with us for a few days starting tomorrow! It’s gonna be a party. And by that I mean we’re going to eat A LOT. That’s how I party.
Thanks for reading!