Sweet Relief

I am extremely happy to report to you that the bar exam is officially BEHIND me. Well…at least for now. After months of grueling studying and stress (far worse than anything I experienced in law school), I am so glad to be back to normal life. What with law school ending/graduating/working/moving/getting a dog I’ve been running around like a crazy person this entire year, and for the first time in a long time I can take a deep breath and relax. Of course, there’s still the results of the bar exam and job searching to think about…but that pales in comparison to what we’ve been dealing with these past several months. Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments here on the blog, and on twitter and instagram. It means a lot!

I think one of the million things that made this whole bar exam thing tough was that it stole so much of my time and my life that I really wanted to enjoy. We never really got a chance to fully move in or enjoy or personalize our new home. I still have clothes in suitcases! My baby brother is leaving for college in a few weeks, my baby sister starts school in two weeks–and I have not gotten to spend nearly enough time with them! That stupid exam stole my whole summer. But we’re determined to take back what’s left of it.

Yesterday we took our dog and the kids (for those of you new to the blog, my siblings and I are far apart in age, so when I refer to “the kids” I’m talking about my younger siblings šŸ™‚ ) out for ice cream at a cool little place called The Frosty Caboose. The rest of my family had been before and raved about it so we knew we had to try it ourselves. We are a family of ice cream fiends.



They even had a doggie cone for Cynewulf! He ADORED it.



Now this is what summer is supposed to be.






BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! For those of you who got this far in my post…congrats! You get to hear this news first. I have been wanting to change my blog name and hit the restart button on the way I blog for a long time. I’m finally doing it. Sometime soon (hopefully this week), Lawfully Wedded Wife will be replaced with a sparkly new blog under a whole new name. I’m so excited! It is exactly what I need in my life right now, and the new blog is going to be so much better for you readers too.

Thanks for reading!



4 Responses

  1. Jamie @ A Healthy J.D.

    Yay for surviving the Bar exam…did they have beer at the end like they do in Florida!? Also yay for blog redesign, can’t wait to see it!

    • Lauren

      I WISH they had beer on the way out–I actually thought of you as I was walking out and imagining how nice a cold one would have been. I had one the second I got home though! šŸ™‚

  2. Nala

    Yay!!! Congratulations on finally taking the Bar exam. Hopefully you get to really enjoy life now and do all that you wanted to this summer. I’m looking forward to the new name of the blog and can’t wait to see the new content!

    • Lauren

      Thanks so much! I’m excited for the new blog, too! šŸ™‚