From Breakfast to Dessert

No class today. No externship. That means today is the start of my WEEKEND! You have no idea how much the weekend means these days. I’m getting very excited for graduation. I can’t wait to get paid to be stressed out instead of paying to be stressed out. Wish I was kidding. You know you like me ‘cuz I keep it real.


I saw this survey on Laura’s blog and immediately knew I had to do it. Prepare to find out some new things about me.


Favorite cereal as a child?

There are many possible answers to this. The cereal I wanted was Frosted Flakes, which was forbidden because it had too much sugar. Instead my favorite was Rice Krispies…which I would pour into a bowl with a bunch of white sugar. Not sure if my parents knew that part…but my granny let me do it. 😉 I LOVED my Rice Krispies and would put my ear down to the bowl every time to hear the snap, crackle, pop! I also LOVED watching the ads.

Coffee or tea? With milk or without?

I’m a tea lover. I drink a lot of coffee but that’s mostly because we have a Keurig and it’s more convenient. I need to get back into brewing loose teas–they’re the best. And whether it’s coffee or tea I always use cream!

(Apparently I hadn’t added it yet when I took that picture…)

The one food you eat most often at breakfast?

Oats in some form or another! Whether it’s granola or oatmeal or something else…I’d say my breakfasts involve oats 90% of the time.


Sandwiches are generally considered a “lunch food.” If you had to choose between a grilled cheese and a peanut butter and jelly, which would you pick?

Toughie, but I’m gonna say grilled cheese. I’m sensitive to dairy, but when it comes to cheese I throw my hands in the air and wave ’em like I just don’t care.

But the truth is that I don’t eat either of those too often. My go-to sandwich is PB, banana, and chocolate.

You can only put four ingredients in your salad (not including greens); what do you throw in the mix? Additionally, which greens and dressing do you pick?

REALLY hard one. For toppings I’m going with mandarin oranges, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, and corn. Greens: spring mix. Dressing: blue cheese.

One food you can’t live without at lunch?

N/A…there’s nothing that I eat every day at lunch. Lunch is a weird time.


It’s the end of the day. You’re tired, hungry, and your fridge is empty. If a fast food (from a chain) is your only option, where do you go and what do you order?

Love this question! Because I like fast food! Yes, I said it. I’m an American, people. My first thought was Chick-fil-A but they close early so it probably doesn’t work for this question. Second to Chick-fil-A I’d say MOE’S Southwest Grill! Homewrecker burrito with chicken and all the fixings. Chips and queso on the side and soda water to drink.

TV/computer on or off while you’re eating?

The husband and I have gotten in a very BAD habit of watching the tv during all our meals. I don’t know when or how this happened. I feel awful about it and I hope we can wean ourselves off!

The one food you eat most often at dinner?

Chicken. We’re poultry people.


Choose between these two American desserts: cheesecake or apple pie?

Cheesecake! Love the stuff.

Choose between these two foreign desserts: tiramisu (Italy) or flan (Spain)?

I like flan but I have to say tiramisu. It’s my favorite dessert and I used to get it every year for my birthday as a kid. And I make a pretty mean tiramisu (forgive the vintage photos in that post) if I do say so myself…

Ice cream: cone or cup?

I love cones! Makes me feel like a kid again.

(That’s my adorable baby sister who lives in Georgia with the rest of my family! I miss her so much!)

Thanks for reading! Have a great start to your weekend.



  1. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table

    Thanks for the shot out!

    I did the same thing with Rice Krispies – the best part was the leftover sugar sludge on the bottom!