Saturday Discoveries

It’s been quite the casual day over here, just like Saturdays should be. But it’s been full of new things!

This morning I headed to the gym with a goal in mind. And MUCH to my surprise, I actually met the goal. Imagine that! I discovered that I can run over 3 MILES. I know this seems like a puny distance to many of you but you have NO idea what progress this is for me, who used to be completely winded and defeated at a quarter mile. I even tweeted about it.

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And afterwards I treated myself to a nice, tall one.

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Back at home my mom was up to all sorts of new things, too! She’s doing some experimenting with multigrain doughs for future products (she’s a professional baker).

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One of the experiments was a new multigrain bread, which came out beautifully.

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I helped myself to a slice fresh out of the oven with some Earth Balance. Perfection.

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She’s also working on a multigrain cinnamon roll recipe! This batch will be ready to enjoy in the morning. I can’t wait. She even gave me permission to share the recipe with you all! Coming soon.

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Another discovery: MarsEdit, a blogging program for Macs that I’m loving! This is my first post from MarsEdit and I think I’m already addicted.

Look out for something else new…I’m changing the blog design soon! I’ve had this layout since last fall and have been procrastinating on a re-design. It’s happening very soon, and I hope you all love it!

I hope this summer weekend is full of sunshine and discoveries for you, too!

Thanks for reading!


4 Responses

  1. Lee

    I use Mars Edit too and have always liked it.

  2. Allegra

    Those cinnamon rolls look amazing! Very jealous your mom is such a fantastic baker. Thanks for the recommendation re: Mars Edit, I’m about to go on vacation for a month and was looking for a similar program! Just downloaded it now šŸ™‚

  3. Lauren

    As someone who runs 3 miles a few times I week, I’ll tell you three miles is FAR! Congrats on meeting your goal šŸ™‚

  4. emily


    I’m impressed. looks that that 5k is going to be no problem!