WIAW, Back to Driving School

I love how Wednesdays come as a surprise after a long weekend! Unfortunately I have spent 5 hours of my Wednesday taking an online driver improvement course that the great state of Virginia is requiring me to take after my little speeding incident last year…oh trust me, it’s lots of fun. So far I’ve learned that RED at a stop light means STOP! Holy cow. I had no idea. And that was really a question on my quiz. Thankfully I’ve had some great food today to distract me from this glorious use of my time…

Breakfast: my usual green smoothie (I think this needs an abbreviation because I literally drink it every day…from now on MUGS it is), bowl of whole grain cream of wheat topped with raw cane sugar

This was my first time trying the whole grain version of Cream of Wheat and I LOVED it. I made it with cow’s milk this morning *gasp* for a little extra protein because I wasn’t having an egg or meat or yogurt. The cow’s milk actually didn’t bother my stomach like it usually does (I thank the probiotic supplements!) and it was delicious.

Morning Snack: Clif bar at school

Lunch: Close Talker salad at MOE’S…loaded up with black beans, guac, pico, cheese, chicken, cucumber, cilantro, and more stuff I don’t remember

It was DELICIOUS! We stopped doing our weekly religious visits to Moe’s but we’ll still go on the occasional Wednesday to get our half off student discount. ๐Ÿ™‚

Afternoon Snack: honey wheat english muffin, half with PB and half with Earth Balance

Dinner: tofu triangles in creamy nut butter sauce, fried brown rice, sautรฉed bok choy

This dinner was amazeballs. Jason loved the tofu. I repeat: Jason loved the tofu. It was a momentous occasion. I can’t take all the credit though, it was a great recipe.

And my most recent beverage addiction on the side, of course.

Dessert: coffee ice cream with chocolate syrup (REAL chocolate syrup…get the one from Trader Joe’s, not that chocolate flavored HFCS crap!)


We’re going through a weird period with our food because Jason is on a weight loss plan and I am…well…on a weight gain or at least weight maintenance plan. We’re kind of struggling with it at the moment, but I’ve been eating ice cream lately to pack on extra and delicious calories that I need. Ice cream is always a good idea. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ll have to do a post on how things are going once we get everything figured out a little better!

Thanks for reading! I have to get back to learning about what a ‘Yield’ sign means…this one’s a toughie, guys.


11 Responses

  1. jemma @ celery and cupcakes

    The tofu looks so good. How did you get it like that?

    • Lauren

      Thanks! I browned it in a cast iron skillet first with a little oil and then added a nut butter sauce to the pan and reduced it down a bit. You should check out the recipe I linked too–I think you would love it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lexie

    Yay, a new blog! I’m falling in love with yours rather quickly =) I’m also on a weight gain plan (though it’s not really a plan just a current way of life to better health) and aside from the odd down days, it’s.so.much.fun. I eat ice cream every day. Guilt? None. That close talker salad looks amazing. I’m so incredibly jealous. Happy WIAW darling! x

    • Lauren

      Yay, so glad you found me! No guilt here either, ice cream is one of life’s finer pleasures if you ask me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Lee

    I always get that salad at Moe’s too although in my mind Willy’s > Moe’s. I know they don’t have Willy’s outside of ATL though.

    Is that San Pelligrino sweet? I’ve always been curious about it.

    • Lauren

      OH how I miss Willy’s. So so good. The Pelligrino is only a little sweet, but I really just taste the citrus. It’s not nearly as sweet as soda. The orange flavor is very similar to Orangina if you’ve had that before.

  4. KaraHadley

    I haven’t been to Moe’s in for-eh-ver! I would go as often as possible, though, if I got a half-off discount.
    Oh, and flavored mineral water is so refreshing.

  5. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table

    Nut butter and heat as a tofu marinade is on of my favorite things to make. I bake mine though – I like the fluffiness of baked tofu. That fried rice looks amazing – I need to get on that one ASAP.

    • Lauren

      I’ve never baked my tofu, I’ll have to try that!

  6. Jen@FoodFamilyFitness

    Yumm, the tofu with rice and bok choy looks delicious!!!!
    Good luck with learning about yield signs…sounds fascinating ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Jessica

    Your lunch salad looks amazing! Sounds like a super tasty combo ๐Ÿ™‚