Early October VA Produce

I was so busy today that I almost forgot to post! But we got our bi-weekly CSA share box today so there was no way I couldn’t share it with you. I decided I want to share all the boxes with you when I get them because 1)I really like taking pictures of fruits and vegetables 2)it’s fun to see what’s growing during different parts of different seasons. I know that I’m horrible at remembering what’s in season so I thought this might also help those of you that have that same problem. You can tell from this box that it’s definitely fall!

The cast of characters this week includes a head of cabbage bigger than my head:

Some lovely squash, acorn and spaghetti:


Bibb lettuce:

Hosui Asian pears (I liked the ones from the last box! They taste really unique…):

Green beans:

The usual dozen of eggs from happy hens on a Virginia pasture:

And a little reminder of summer…a tomato! Probably the last one of the year!

We also got a couple treats. Apple cider:

And…banana butter?! WOOOAAHHH did not even know that existed. I sense a new oatmeal topping in my future.

Overall it’s another great box! I’ve never tried cooking any of these types of squash before so it should be fun trying them. I’m totally into this fall thing now.

Thanks for reading!




4 Responses

  1. Lauren

    Banana butter?!?! Okay, please share how that is after you try it. I really want to join a CSA. I wonder if it’s too late?

  2. LoveLiveAndLearn

    I’m so jealous about your fresh produce, I miss having all the veg I could possibly want back at home!
    And banana butter sounds amazing, I want some of that!

  3. helennaturally

    I so wish we had a CSA in our area. Unfortunately we do not have that, but I am very lucky to have my local produce stand šŸ™‚

    I have heard of banana butter but I have never tried it. Most of the recipes that I have seen have pineapple/juice and cherries in it. Can’t wait to see what you think!

  4. CiCi

    The produce looks ah.mazing but the banana butter is singing in my head! šŸ™‚