A Day Later…

After about two years not getting sick at all (no cold, no flu, not even the sinus infections I tended to get frequently…it’s a miracle), my immune system threw in the towel yesterday. After a great first day of the detox we’re doing, I woke up at 3am feeling like my throat was a sore and that I needed a drink. Went to take a drink, realized it hurt like heck to swallow. Went to look in the mirror, realized my throat was swelling shut on one side. Freaked out, tried to wake husband up, realized I couldn’t talk. Typed messages to husband and had him call the nurse hotline. Talked to nurse who suggested Advil, realized that the Advil wasn’t helping 30 minutes later. Looked in the mirror again, realized my throat was even more swollen and I was having a little trouble breathing. Freaked out again, realized we needed to go to the ER.

The people at the ER were great, they saw me right away and in like 15 minutes told me that it was uvulitis, a not-so-common infection of the throat that I’ve actually had once before when I was a teenager. Give me laryngitis or even bronchitis over this thing ANY DAY. They made me speak several times because they needed to hear some things directly from me, and it sounded like I had a handful of marbles in the back of my throat that I was trying to talk past. Anyways, they gave me an IV and pumped me with a bunch of stuff and then kept me there for a few more hours to observe me. We got home at about 7 and I crashed. I don’t even remember all the stuff they gave me but one of them was a painkiller and boy all I wanted to do was sleep. I woke up a few hours later and Jason made me a delicious green monster for breakfast.

Then I went back to sleep. And I just woke up. Seriously. Jason left the house for an hour and I didn’t even know he was gone. šŸ˜› Anyhow, I’m not 100% yet but the pain and swelling have gone down and with the prescriptions they gave me I should be all better really soon. It was a scary night but I’m grateful that it wasn’t more serious, and I’m REALLY GRATEFUL that Jason was there. If I was on my own, I don’t really know what I would have done because I couldn’t even talk to call someone for help. Thank goodness for husbands. šŸ™‚ I’m on steroids right now which I really hate because I hate the way they make me feel and it’s kind of against the whole spirit of the detox, but I don’t have a choice.

Sorry this wasn’t the most wonderful post, but life is life and this was my day. I’ll see you tomorrow for WIAW, and hopefully things will be better by then. Thank you all for your sweet comments yesterday about the FML and wishing us luck on the detox!

Thanks for reading!


5 Responses

  1. helennaturally

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this šŸ™

    Girl I am sending well wishes your way and praying for a fast recovery, that is a sweet husband to make you a green monster. Mine would have given me chicken noodle soup out of a can!

  2. Maryea @ Happy Healthy Mama

    Oh wow! What a scary thing to have happen. I hope you are feeling 100% soon.

  3. IHeartVegetables

    Aww you poor thing! Good thing you had Jason! I hope you recover quickly!

  4. Sue Franklin

    So sorry that you are so sick!! Praying for you and for better days ahead.

  5. Lauren

    Good lord, lady, you have the worst luck!! I’m so sorry this all happened šŸ™ I’m crossing my fingers that you feel better very very soon!