Flyin' Solo

Happy Saturday! Is there such thing as a Saturday that’s not happy? I don’t think so. Especially not this one because I got a photo of my mini chocolate bundts accepted to Foodgawker and Tastespotting! πŸ™‚

I have to thank you all again because if it weren’t for you amazing people who take the time to read what I write and look at my pictures, I would never have even pushed myself to learn more about this hobby that I’ve now fallen in love with. THANK YOU! I’m going to put a link to my (very new) Foodgawker gallery in the sidebar here because hopefully they will keep accepting my pics.

In other news, Jason and I arrived in Jekyll Island this afternoon!

We’re here for a conference and not vacation, but our boss said that we should have a lot of free time to enjoy the area. Being in Jekyll doesn’t even feel like Georgia anymore! I love that about this state! It’s so big and there are so many different kinds of places to visit that you will never get bored.


We’re so close Florida…and Savannah…it’s hard to not try and turn this into a real vacation! Jason is enjoying the island right now by doing some shark fishing with other guys in the office. I hope he comes back alive!!! He’s never gone fishing before but when our boss said they were going night shark fishing, and that Jekyll was one of the top breeding grounds for sharks in the world (??!!!) , I told Jason that it sounded like one of those once in a lifetime things that you just can’t pass up. While he wrestles the sharks, I decided to check out the visitors center.

And then I checked us into the hotel that the place we’re interning for got us. They made such a good choice in the Sea Palms Resort, I love it here!

A nice big suite with full kitchen, dishes and all!

And his and hers sinks, which we’ve actually NEVER enjoyed before! They will be a must have when we buy a house one day.

I’m flyin’ solo this evening. It feels strange because I haven’t spent an evening alone in…well…since Jason and I have been married! Guess I better go enjoy all of the Food Network I can before he comes back from fishing!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Lauren

    Congrats!! Although I had no doubt those pictures would get picked because they were stunning! Jekyll Island looks beautiful. Have fun, even though it’s work-related πŸ™‚