WIAW, Italian Night

I have to admit that I love Wednesdays now just because this post kind of writes itself! I definitely could not be a blogger that showed what I ate every single day, but it is fun to do every once in a while! Keep in mind that this is not representative of what I eat every day, none of the WIAW I do are. For some reason I seem to always pack salad lunch on Wednesdays, but that’s just a coincidence! Yesterday I ate a burrito for lunch, and the day before that it was a club sandwich! But enough chatter, let’s get to the food. My new camera is way too big and heavy to just “grab” and take a quick shot, so this and future WIAW will be mostly iPhone pics!

Breakfast: bagel with cream cheese and lox, usual English breakfast tea on the side

DO NOT ASK ME WHYYY I thought this was a good idea to eat for breakfast on its own. For so many reasons. I knew better than to eat that much real cream cheese ever, and especially not in the morning, and it was way too rich to be breakfast all by itself. Bleck. I paid for it later. In the future I would do maybe an egg and lox sandwich along with some fresh fruit or a smoothie.

Lunch: Salad (topped with tomatoes, avacado, and roasted chicken), nectarine, sweet potato chips, coconut LaCroix

Afternoon Snack: White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Bar

SO GOOD, this is one of my favorite flavors.

Dinner: Chicken Parmesan, spaghetti, salad

Gotta love “Italian night”. This is a regular meal in my rotation. I can’t really take credit for the recipe, I got the whole thing from Tyler Florence. The only major change I make is jarred sauce (TJ’s Organic Marinara is PERFECT for this) instead of the canned tomatoes, if I’m in a hurry. Pan frying chicken for 6 is quite a slow job, lemme tell ya.

But so worth it.

I’m getting more comfortable with my camera, but not to the point where I’m ready to start submitting to Foodgawker and others again. Hopefully within the next week or two I’ll get to that point. You know I’ll let you know if I get another photo accepted! šŸ™‚

That about does it for what I ate today! Dessert is yet to come, but I’m assuming we’ll be polishing off that anniversary cake.

Thanks for reading!




3 Responses

  1. Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons

    Giiiirl that parm looks good!!!! I keep forgetting to buy more lacroix too! going on the grocery list! <3 So funny that wednesdays happen to be random salad for lunch days! and I too have to use my phone for most of my photos lately — DSLRs are HEAVY! arm workout!

  2. Lauren

    Should I feel glad I don’t have a big nice camera that’s too heavy to tote around? Too bad, I still want one. I love those chicken parm pictures. The basil looks so good! Plus I have a thing for basil. I submitted a picture to Foodgawker last week and was denied because I have dim lighting? I was offended!

  3. IHeartVegetables

    Oh I’ve never tried LaCroix but it always looks really refreshing! Yum! What a fun WIAW šŸ™‚ Mexican is my favorite kind of food, but Italian is a close second!