The Best Gift Ever!!!

I had a lovely post planned for you all on a delicious drink for the summer. Then I got home, and this happened.

I got an early anniversary gift!!!! I can’t believe it! Jason knew that I’ve been wanting a new camera and he got me this BEAUTY, the nicest kind of point and shoot available on the market. I LOVE IT SOO MUUCCHHH!!!!! I shouldn’t be surprised, he always knows how to blow me away with perfect gifts.

I guess now the standards are raised for my anniversary gift to him…oops. Guess I can’t give him that tie anymore. (Kidding.)

Regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow!!!!


5 Responses

  1. wherethedaytakesme

    Yeayyy for cameras.

  2. Lee

    Awesome! Have fun with your new camera.

  3. Helen

    What an awesome gift! My anniversary is soon…..maybe Jason can make a phone call to my hubby, lol!

    • lawfullyweddedwife

      Haha okay sure thing, I’ll tell Jason to give him the hint!

  4. LoveLiveAndLearn

    Wow what a brilliant gift! That’s a lovely camera.
    I’ve recently found your blog and just wanted to say hi šŸ™‚
    You take really great pictures of food!