Stormy Weather

TGIF. I think I say that every week. But I’m thrilled it’s the weekend. My family has a fun day planned for tomorrow and I’m really looking forward to just forgetting about work and letting loose.

My bread starter, whose name is Javier, may have a problem already. It looked great when I fed it today (it had the right smell and was already getting bubbly) BUT Ashley pointed out to me a tinted spot that I think miiiiiight be mold.

🙁 Say it ain’t so, Javier!!! Do you see it?! It’s like in the top sort of to the left. Because I wasn’t 100% sure that it was mold, I just fed it anyways and I’ll just check back tomorrow. If I see anything else at all then I’ll throw it out and start again. Javier Jr. may have to be born tomorrow. But I’m not giving up!

So today while I was at my desk I was thinking about this amazing peanut butter, banana, and chocolate sandwich I used to eat at this place in a funky Atlanta neighborhood called Little Five Points (that’s the name of the neighborhood, not the restaurant). That sandwich SERIOUSLY was amazing and every once in a while I crave it. I was g-chatting with my bff Emily and she and I had the same thought at the same moment: that sandwich would be SO GOOD grilled!

And my goodness, yes it was. Forgive the bad artificial lighting, a huge storm rolled over while I was making this and made everything way too dark to take natural light pictures. Stormy weather is not my friend. But regardless of the pictures, this sandwich is the bomb.

Grilled PBBC Sandwich

  • 1 small banana
  • natural peanut butter (I use a couple tablespoons)
  • real chocolate syrup (again, I use a couple tablespoons but you can use more or less)
  • 2 slices whole wheat bread
  • Earth Balance or butter for the pan

-Spread peanut butter on both bread slices. Slice the banana over one slice and drizzle the chocolate syrup on top of the banana.

-Heat a skillet over medium heat, melting a little butter spread into the pan. Add the sandwich and grill for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the bread is nice and golden brown. Eat it hot, while the peanut butter and chocolate are still warm and gooey! Makes 1 sandwich.

It tastes way too good to be healthy, but it really is! It’s the chocolate that does it. Chocolate always does it.

You’ve got to try this. You won’t be sorry.

Let’s hope this storm situation clears up soon because the day my family has planned tomorrow involves a lot of being outside!

And this kind of weather just won’t do.

Cross your fingers for Javier that all of his wonderful growing this evening won’t involve any mold spores.

Thanks for reading!


P.S.- I finally got around to updating my recipe index, and it turns out I have I think 80 recipes on the blog! Wowsers, when did that happen?!

P.P.S- Wanna know a secret? When I reach 100 recipes and 100 followers on twitter (I think I’m at 81 followers now) I’ve got a special giveaway that I want to do to show you how awesome I think you all are! Seriously, every one of you who reads really make my day every day and I want to show my appreciation.