Honey-Yogurt Dip for Fresh Fruit
I have been a TERRIBLE blogger lately. With the semester coming to a close and having visitors the past couple weekends, I just haven’t been able to make the time! I’m going to try and get better with it because I really do love writing about my fun in the kitchen and hearing from people who enjoy reading. I’m still learning how to juggle my schedule and adapt to school, so here’s hoping that I can do a better job keeping the blog updated.
So we had a really nice weekend with the in-laws! But it flew by like crazy, I can’t believe the weekend is over! I had lots of fun cooking for Jason’s wonderful parents and brother, and we got a chance to catch up on life. I made breakfast on Saturday, and some of the ingredients came from the local farmers market that I visited earlier that morning. One of the things I REALLY miss about Georgia is having access to some great farmers markets. Like THIS beauty which is open year round:

And that picture is only showing a FRACTION of the store!!! But I haven’t found such a thing anywhere near me in Virginia, and the local farmers market which is once a week (depending on the season) leaves much to be desired. Unless you’re going there for the purpose of admiring people’s prize show dogs that they like to bring along. It might not be the kind of market where you can do all your shopping (at least not this early in the season), but they do have some really nice vendors. I got some farm fresh eggs and some lovely daffodils.
While I did not fulfill my promise to document the weekend, my father in law did take some pictures so I will have to ask for those and share them with you!
Today I wanted to polish off some fresh fruit we had in the fridge, and I was really craving some sweet dip to go with it! I LOVE the one they give you with your fresh fruit at Jason’s Deli, so I’m on a mission to make a similar one. What I ended up with is different that what I had in mind, but probably healthier and definitely tasty!
Honey-Yogurt Dip (inspired by this recipe from Bon Apetit)
- 1/2 c. plain or vanilla yogurt (soy yogurt or coconut yogurt work just fine!)
- 1 T. honey
- 1 t. orange juice
- 1/2 t. cinnamon
-Combine ingredients with a whisk. Let the dip cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before serving over the fresh fruit of your choice.
The creaminess and the cinnamon go so well with the orange slices and pineapple especially! I will definitely make this again.
Thanks for reading!