Double the Birthday, Double the Fun
Today we continued the celebration of my husband and brother’s birthday!
There was a special kind of cake that Jason’s family in New York would get for birthdays, so my mom worked her magic and re-created the cake for him! The process started the night before, and then we assembled the cake in the morning.
It’s a yellow cake with whipped cream icing and banana slices as a filling, whipped cream and chocolate whipped cream icing on the outside, adorned with chocolate covered creme puffs, chocolate covered strawberries, and walnuts! All of the flavors make an awesome combination and a very pretty cake.
We put the cake in the fridge to chill and headed out to the establishment of choice, Three Dollar Cafe. They are famous for their wings in Atlanta, and they just opened a location near my house, so it was a perfect fit for these birthday boys. My uncle even came to join the party!
We split lots of good eats and drinks and everything was amazing! The wings were awesome, appetizers were awesome, even their fries were exceptional!
Everything was delicious, but I think my favorite thing was the fresh chips with blue cheese sauce…MAN they were awesome. The chips themselves were amazing, but the blue cheese on top just brought it to a whole new level. I got a house salad to go along with the other things we had on the table (side note: I made my goal of 5 fruit and veggie servings today!).
We left feeling full but we all had to leave room for dessert! We headed back home for the delicious treats that awaited us.
David requested a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie cake, and he’s the birthday boy so his wish was our command! My mom whipped up a delicious cookie cake. The lights were dimmed, the candles were lit, the songs were sung, and the boys officially blew out their birthday candles.
And the cakes were cut!
Present time!
I got Jason some spiffy new loafers, and my family got him a sweet new watch. The watch then inducted him into the Men’s Club, which required some snapshots of the family men and their accordingly manly watches.
Watch out. (Haha, get it?! Cuz of the watches? I can never resist a lame pun…) My dad looks beyond awesome in this picture.
David made out with some pretty sweet gifts, too!
As you can see, it was an awesome night and we all had a great time. I don’t think I’ll be hungry again for another week at least.
And to make the day even better I got this sweet surprise in the mail from Helen!
Isn’t she awesome?! Thanks so much Helen, you’re the best!
Mmmm my two favorite Larabar flavors! She must be psychic.
Thanks for reading! There are murmurs in the air that my mom’s going to teach me puff pastry tomorrow so I’ll have to tell you all about it!