WIAW- Warm and Happy
Today started out bright and early (which for me is 8am…I know, I’m really spoiled) for spring course registration this morning. I got some of the courses I wanted but also got wait-listed on the ones I wanted the most, like healthcare liability. I’ll just have to hope that I get off those wait-lists and into the classes I need! I didn’t get much sleep last night and after course registration I had to work all morning on reading, but I was seriously comforted when I saw this in my computer’s dashboard:
I like to keep constant tabs on weather in three places–where I am now, my hometown (Tucker, Georgia), and the town where we went to undergrad (in Massachusetts). I like to do that mostly because it’s cool to see the temperature difference but also because of mornings like this, which remind me of why I need to live in the Southeast. 72 degrees and sunny at the end of October??? I’LL TAKE IT, VIRGINIA! 68? Still nice, Georgia, that’s acceptable. But do you see what the temp was in my college town?! 48 degrees is usually WINTER temperature in the South…and that’s how I like it to stay. I loved my time in the northeast but my bones are just not meant to withstand the cold…so for now I lift my hands and rejoice that I am warm and happy. Speaking of happiness, let’s talk about food!

First Breakfast: bowl of Coach’s oats with cinnamon and an chopped apple inside and topped with apple butter, and an English breakfast tea on the side
Second Breakfast: toast with a fried egg on top, OJ on the side
Elevenses: one of these…
Luncheon: leftover pasta (penne, sausage, peppers, tomatoes, and marinara sauce) topped with a little parm
Tea: okay it didn’t really involve tea but I did have another cookie…
Dinner: Indian chicken curry, naan, sauteed spinach, sparkling water
And if I recall correctly…hobbits don’t really have dessert but would have another dinner and call it supper…either way, dessert is a must for me. You can best believe I’m having more cookies…
Tomorrow is going to be such a beautiful day and I think I’m going to take advantage of it by going out to take some pictures of the ‘burg! There also might be a pie in my future…
Thanks for reading!