WIAW- Is It Thanksgiving Yet?
It’s getting to that point in the semester where I’m just kind of sick of my entire routine and all of my classes and am just ready to be done. I think part of it is the fact that in law school there is SO much pressure on final exams so when they inch closer it just gets more stressful in general. I would pick up a drinking habit if I didn’t think it would effect my grades. Just kidding. Sort of. Let’s move on! ๐

So I didn’t eat hobbit style like I have been lately, just the regular old boring three meals. They were all delicious though!
Breakfast: bagel two ways: one side with peanut butter and banana butter, one side with cream cheese and lox; Trader Joe’s Vanilla Cinnamon Tea on the side
The salmon was a very good idea this morning…this used to be one of our breakfast staples but I haven’t had it in a long time. Love that smooth, smoky flavor! And the tea was also amazing, my first time trying this kind.
After breakfast I read, and read, and read…and feel asleep like 3 times in the process. I told you I was over this semester. Before I knew it, I jolted myself awake just in time for lunch!
Lunch: dinner leftovers (chili over rice) and kale chips seasoned with salt and nutritional yeast
My chili is really good, y’all. I will definitely share the recipe with you at some point. The kale chips were made with the last of our kale from our late October CSA box–I needed to finish it off because we have more coming our way tomorrow! This was my first time seasoning them with nutritional yeast and I LOVE the “cheese” flavor of the chips that way!
errr…definitely had three one of these:
and several handfuls of these:
They’re even better the next day!
{edit 11/3- I forgot to put dinner in the original post! Here it is!}
Dinner: steak taco stack from Moe’s!
Yeah sorry…I forgot to take that picture until it was half eaten. ๐ But it was delicious as always!
Dessert: I meant it when I said I loved that tea!
While I’m getting a little stressed and frustrated with the semester, I’m trying to keep things in perspective. I tend to get frustrated when something I have my sights set on *cough* graduating and finally being out of school *cough* seems far away and there’s nothing I can do to make it happen sooner. But I know that graduation isn’t really that far away, and that I need to stop and enjoy all of the blessings that I have right now. Plus we have some exciting plans for ourselves in the next year, which I will share with you when the time is right (by that I mean, when I know that the plans are actually happening). ๐
I hope that your week is going well so far! Thanks for reading!