WIAW: Deep Breaths
I’m going to be honest with you. Being a law student, to me holiday times are synonymous with the most awful, stressful time of the year. I know, that’s awful. But it’s true. So on the one hand I’m thinking “Yaayyyy!!! Thanksgiving!” and on the other I’m thinking “Shoot me!!! Only three studying weeks left before the final exams that determine 95% percent of my grades which all of my potential employers will judge me by!” I did not do as well as I wanted to last year, and I’m putting the pressure on myself to do better this year. It is frustrating the heck out of me because, unlike in college, this material DOES NOT come naturally to me. Quite the opposite. Combine that with job searching, externship searching, travel arranging, budgeting, volunteering, xmas shopping, hormones, and general personal things and…
Don’t worry, I’ll make an effort not to hit the wine until after finals. But seriously, I’m not fishing for your sympathy. I’m just keepin’ it real. This is my outlet after all. Right now I’m just trying to do one thing at a time. Take deep breaths. And remember to eat.

Lunch: romaine lettuce salad topped with avocado, salmon, pomegranate seeds, and cesar dressing
Afternoon Snack: Cascadian Farms honey nut O’s with sliced banana and almond milk
Dinner: arugula pesto pasta that I made yesterday!
Tonight for dinner I added chicken sausage to it! YUM!
Stress Reliever Plate of Brownies that I Destroyed in a Day Snacked on:
You can expect to see a lot of baked goods in the near future. Baking is what I do when I’m supposed to be doing a million other things.
Deep breaths.
Thanks for reading! I’m sorry for the rant.