WIAW: Goodbye, November!
I hope everyone is having a good week so far! I wanted to first let you all know that I finally decided to put a redirect on the old blog location to this new domain. Now any and all visitors who were clicking on my old blog or subscribed to it will be re-directed here! Huzzah!
In other news…things are getting crazy over here. This is the last week of classes, which means final exams are RIGHT around the corner. And to add to the craziness, Jason got into a car accident today. He wasn’t hurt, thank God, but car accidents are always scary and this was the first accident he’s ever had (I’ve never had one either). I’m glad it wasn’t more serious…but it sure doesn’t put us in a great situation. We’re in a tiny rental car that smells very strongly of baby powder…but at least we’re safe and in one piece. And at least we’re about to enter the best month of the year! Adios, November!
I’m watching Lord of the Rings as I type this! Not on purpose exactly…Two Towers happened to be on and I haven’t seen it in years (such a tragedy) so I decided to indulge a little and watch it. I almost forgot how much I love these movies!!! Almost. And I almost forgot how many lines and scenes I have memorized…almost. It’s very appropriate because I was back to eating hobbit style again today. It just works for me! I have a teeny tiny appetite (ironic for a food blogger, I realize) so I find that it’s best if I just eat small meals throughout the day instead of trying to eat big meals that I will never be able to finish in a sitting. I love food, so why not just enjoy it as many times as possible?

Second Breakfast: a little shredded gruyere and a fried egg over a toasted veggie bagel, with a cup of coffee on the side
I just LOVE the flavor of a little seasoning salt on my eggs. There’s nothing like it.
Elevenses: bowl of honey nut O’s with some sliced banana and almond milk
Lunch: unpictured almonds and organic Oreos…yes, I’m serious…I ate a lot of breakfast!
Dinner: Italian chicken noodle soup (based off a Paula Deen recipe and a Pioneer Woman recipe)
Dessert: likely won’t happen until this movie is over…I can’t pull myself away!
The battle at Helm’s Deep is about to go down…I love this part! This movie is totally ruining my homework for the evening. And that’s okay with me.
Thanks for reading!