WIAW- We Are The 0.2%
Thank goodness it’s Wednesday…this week is just insane! I do have some pretty interesting courses and can already feel my brain soaking up new information from my professors. For example, I learned today that according to the 2010 census, only .2% of married couples are a white husband/black wife pairing. That’s correct. 0.2%. Does that number surprise you? I knew the census figures from an earlier year on this but hadn’t seen the most recent ones and I find that number insanely unbelievable. What does that say about us as Americans, about our society? Does it say anything? I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but I’m not sure I want to. 😛 For now I’ll pretend that our rarity is a positive thing…there’s so few of us we’re like mystical creatures! Want to see what this mystical creature ate today?

Thanks as always to Jenn for hosting the link-up! Her idea was clearly a fabulous one and the WIAW party keeps growing and growing!
Breakfast: my usual (smoothie of frozen banana, Green Vibrance supplement, orange juice, yogurt) with a side of environmental law
Second Breakfast: cereal and soymilk
Morning Snack: GoLean bar at school
Lunch: asian cabbage salad, orange glazed tofu and fried brown rice (leftovers from a dinner at home), Pellegrino Linomata
I loooovvveee these Pellegrinos, they are so delicious and refreshing and much better health wise than soda. My mom brought me a whole case when they came to visit! I’m trying to make it last!
I got the asian salad/slaw from Sam’s Club and it comes with a delicious sesame ginger dressing and awesome toppings. The day I opened it and had a bowl the flavors seriously blew my mind. It’s been open for a few days though, and tasted a little off when I had it today. 🙁 Oh well, now I know it needs to be devoured immediately!
Lunch also unofficialy included a LOT of snacking on this:
Another present from mom! Delicious and addictive.
Afternoon Snack: toast with PB
Dinner: chicken romano, brown rice and black beans, mixed baby greens
You might remember me mentioning that heartburn and I have been close for quite some time (he’s kind of a stalker, I keep trying to get rid of him) and it had been especially bad recently. Some nights if I eat the wrong thing for dinner I spend the whole night in discomfort and have to sleep sitting up to keep the acid from bothering me too much. My mom suggested I try some papaya tablets to aid with digestion as a more natural alternative to the OTC stuff I’ve been taking. I happened to find them at Trader Joe’s and have been taking them with dinner every night. I think it’s really helping!
And that’s how a mythical creature eats, my friends. Consider yourselves lucky to have spotted one of me. 😉
Have a fabulous rest of the week! I might see you before the weekend for another Restaurant Week post! Thanks for reading.