WIAW- 'Cuz It's My Birthday!
It’s true, this is my birthday week! The actual day is this Sunday (oh so conveniently the same day as the Superbowl) but I’m not really one to make a fuss about my birthday for the whole week leading up to it. Jason and I are going to celebrate together this weekend and I know that whatever he has planned will be wonderful. Admittedly, I have been giving myself a lot of “treats” lately because of my impending birthday, which has been awesome. There is evidence of this in what I’ve been eating. 😉 Good thing it’s Wednesday so I can show you!

Breakfast– cereal with dried blueberries and almond milk
This breakfast was good but annoyed me for several reasons. First of all, I had no time to make oatmeal or cream of wheat and those are the only cereals that really get me full. Secondly…I’ve been VERY good about not buying fruit in the winter that’s not in season…hence the dried blueberries…but it’s getting tough! Spring–where are you?!?!
Second Breakfast: larabar out in the sunshine with a side of family law
Lunch: free entrée courtesy of MOE’S because of my birthday!
I got a quesadilla overflowing with beans, mushrooms, cheese and guac. SO. GOOD. I even went crazy and got a white tortilla! WOAH! And I treated myself to some delicious dips for my chips…this birthday girl likes to go buckwild!
And as if that wasn’t crazy enough for you…Jason and I split a MASSIVE soda to go along with it all.
It has been unseasonably warm…which I LOVEEEE. It was 70 degrees and sunny out so we got to enjoy this whole meal outside!!! What better present could this February baby get than a warm sunshiny day at this time of year?? Amazing!
Afternoon Snack: blood orange Chobani
So I have been attempting to track down the new Chobani flavors since they were released but can never find them. Today after yoga I went to one last grocery store to look and there was a lady there who just happened to be restocking the yogurt when I walked up. So I asked her, “Do you know if you guys have the new Chobani flavors??”. She was sweet enough to get out the unopened boxes with the new flavors inside and let me take my pick! As I was walking away gleefully she said, “Those things must taste good ‘cuz you got REAL excited ’bout that!”. HAHAHA! I was laughing for so long. I must seem like a crazy person. A crazy person with her mission accomplished.
And it was so worth the effort. I love the blood orange flavor, tangy and delicious.
Dinner: whole wheat pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese
Jason was out getting drinks with some folks and since I felt like I had gotten cheated out of a legit breakfast, I decided on breakfast for dinner! Good choice.
Evening Snack: my UGS (usual green smoothie as I’m now referring to it…I literally have one every day)
I have to admit that I’ve been seriously slacking on my veggie consumption because in my head I know that the green supplement I drink in this smoothie has plenty of veg in it. But that’s no substitute for real, fresh veggies! I need to work on that. But not today! It’s my party and I’ll cry drink my veggies if I want to!
Dessert: to-die-for kettle corn made expertly by Jason
Seriously. He makes it by hand and it’s so delicious that I dream about it.
Who knows what other shenanigans I’ll pull in honor of the b-day…tomorrow I might even put some real butter on my toast. I like to live on the edge. 😉
Thanks for reading!