

I’m warmly welcoming this weekend–what about you guys?! I actually got really lucky and had very little class this week (I feel terrible being so excited about professors getting sick and canceling class! :P) but the week was still exhausting. I did a full week of gym classes (yay!) and we were having some interesting car issues but everything is all figured out now. I’ve got some exciting Valentine’s Day recipes up my sleeve that I can’t wait to show you…but in the meantime I wanted to do this fun survey that Lee tagged me in! I’m going to tell you 11 random things about me, answer 11 questions that Lee chose, and then make up 11 questions of my own and tag 11 more people!  Sounds fun, let’s go!

1. Apparently I sleep with my eyes half open. Creepy, I know. But Jason swears that it’s true!

2. I didn’t get my license until I was 22! Long story.

3. I hate the cold. I went to Massachusetts for college thinking it would be “fun” to experience a real winter for the first time. I was so wrong. BUT I did love my college and it was beautiful in the winter.

 4. I have freakishly long arms. Great for yoga. Bad for clothes shopping.

5. I taught myself Elvish in high school. Sindarin, to be exact, which is one of Tolkien’s invented languages.

6. I can’t swim! Another long story. Push me in a pool and I will drown and die. No joke.

7. I hate the taste of pretty much all alcoholic drinks. I know that drinking is kind of a social and professional thing (which I think is kinda dumb) so I try and make myself get over the taste. I do, however, enjoy a nice glass of champagne if it’s sweet.

Haha, I’m liking these college flashback photos!  I haven’t looked at these pictures in forever.

8. We had several logistical “hiccups” at our wedding. One was the fact that we got a vintage Rolls Royce to make our ceremony exit and drive us to the reception, but the doors to the church were closed after we walked out and not a single soul besides us and our photographer actually saw the car! Not even our parents!

9. Jason got me a Snuggie and I’ve spent 85% of the last year inside of it.

10. I have something to tell you guys!

11. Okay, do I have your attention? I’ve been waiting to tell you for a while because I wasn’t sure if it was going to happen but now I’m fairly certain so I figured it’s a good time. We are applying to spend next semester abroad in New Zealand!!! Really! We still have to find out some details about the program but it’s something that we’ve both wanted to do for years (before we even met each other) and we think now is pretty much our last shot at it. Obviously if we end up going it will be a pretty big deal for us, and I really hope that it works out!


Okay and NOW, time for Lee’s questions!

1. What was (or is) your major in college?

I was a double major in English (Medieval Literature concentration) and Public Policy.

2. What is your favorite form of exercise?

ZUMBA!!! I’ve only been doing it a couple weeks and I’m so in love.

3. What’s your guilty pleasure?

Half and half. I can honestly drink it on its own (and every once in a while I do!). Gross, I know!

4. Do you tell people about your blog or is it sort of secret?

I don’t tell people at school about it, but some have found out from Facebook. I’d say it’s about halfway a secret.

5. What food do you hate?

Peas. I hate their texture!

6. What’s the last book that you read? 

For pleasure? I’m embarrassed to say it’s been so long I don’t even remember.

7. Mac or PC?

Once you go Mac you never go back!

8. If you could go anywhere on your next vacation, where would you go?


9. What habit that you have would you like to change?

Slouching. I feel like most of it’s my fault but I also have scoliosis.

10. What’s your favorite beverage (alcoholic or non)?

A nice, cold Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade).

11. What’s your go-to dinner when you don’t want to cook?

I jazz up Ramen! Add some veggies, roasted chicken, stuff like that. I love it.


Okay and NOW time to ask my own questions for the folks that I tag!

  1. How many homes have you lived in?
  2. How often do you use your oven?
  3. What’s your favorite season?
  4. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  5. What’s your favorite fruit?
  6. If you could have any car in the world, what car would it be?
  7. What are you favorite pizza toppings?
  8. Would you rather become President of the United States or the Queen of England?
  9. How many pillows do you sleep on?
  10. Cake or cupcake?
  11. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
And I tag…
Here are the rules for bloggers who want to play along…
1. Post these rules.
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.
6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you legitimately have to tag 11 people!


Thanks for reading, and have an awesome weekend!



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