WIAW: Me and the Gym
As a law student I actually spend most of my days at home! Is that surprising? We only have a few hours of class most days and I’m not one of those people who lives in the library (I’d rather live at home, thank you). The schedule definitely has me spoiled, and I’m in for a rude awakening when I get a real 9-5 (or maybe 7-12 if I’m at a firm… :P). Having the type of schedule that we do has really made it easy for me to incorporate gym time into my routine. With so many flexible hours, there’s not really a good excuse not to go! And I HAVE been going! Today I went to an awesome yoga class that really kicked my butt, and tomorrow is Zumba! I can’t believe that me and the gym are getting along so well! I honestly don’t believe it. How about seeing what I eat on a gym day (which is really just a regular day)?

Recycled photo but that’s because it’s always the same! Haha, I’m sorry I’m so boring…I get into breakfast “moods” and they don’t usually change for a couple months or so. Obviously right now it’s Cream of Wheat!
Second Breakfast? : apple
I was hungry for more than this but I was on the run! No time to get anything else!
Morning Snack: Kashi GoLean bar
Lunch: ham sandwich, BBQ chips
We had a meeting through lunch and a class right after so we had to buy lunch at school. It was actually pretty good!
Post-Yoga Snack: my UGS (c’mon, you remember what that is right? my usual green smoothie! trying to save myself some typing over here…haha)
Dinner: Beef and cheese enchiladas, salad, refried beans
This is one of our favorite meals! Trader Joe’s refried beans are SO delicious and fast.
And I tried the TJ’s enchilada sauce for the first time tonight, it’s awesome.
Dessert: chocolate truffles
Guess what happened yesterday right after I posted that we weren’t doing cards and other Valentine’s Day hooplah?? Jason busted out a card and some hooplah in the form of these amazing Godiva truffles. Oh, how I love him. These babies are delicious. A nice reward for all that painful deep stretching that I did in yoga class.
I hope you are all having a great week! We’re almost to the weekend!
Thanks for reading!
Got a question for you… Do you have flexible hours? How do you incorporate physical activity into your week?