
A to Z

Hi guys! Hope you had a great weekend! I’m sad to see spring break go but glad we had an opportunity to relax a bit. I know you guys are probably wondering when the heck I’m going to post a recipe again, and I promise there will be some good ones coming this week! In the meantime, I saw this survey on Janetha’s blog last week and thought it was too fun to pass up. I love giving random facts, and I want to hear some from you guys in the comments too!

A is for age: 24! It still feels weird to me that I’m in my mid-twenties.

B is for breakfast today: Jason made me a delicious breakfast of cheese grits, bacon, a fried egg, and yogurt with berries. He knows me so well. 😉

C is for currently craving: Ice cream. It’s my weakness.

(I have about 20 more pictures of ice cream I’ve eaten…but I’ll spare you.)

D is for dinner tonight: We’re having garlic salmon with a kale and spinach filo pie!

E is for favorite type of exercise: ZUMBA!!! I absolutely adore it.


F is for an irrational fear: Bees. I’ve been stung by a bee before so I know that the pain isn’t that horrific, but for some reason I am still completely terrified. I go running and screaming like a baby when I bee comes near me… embarrassing.

G is for gross food: Peas…blech.

H is for hometown: Atlanta!

I is for something important: School! It’s no fun, but it’s definitely important. Thank goodness next year will be my last year of school FOREVER.

J is for current favorite jam: I heard this Paul Simon song on the radio and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. I love that man.

K is for kids: Not yet, but sometime soon I hope! And by soon I mean like 5 years. 🙂 I can’t wait to be a mom though!

L is for current location: Williamsburg, Virginia…land of retirees and colonial reenactors that we both love.

M is for the most recent way you spent money:

Grocery shopping! That’s where all my money goes…besides rent, of course.

N is for something you need: My husband! I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s my other half, my best friend, my comforter, my support system, my cheerleader–everything! 🙂


O is for occupation: Full time insane person. Otherwise known as a “law student”.

P is for pet peeve: (uncomfortable waiter looks and Jason and then at me) “Will this be on two checks or…one check…?”

Q is for a quote:


R is for random fact about you: I’m (re)learning how to speak French! I have an audio course that I listen to in my car. Don’t ask me why I want to learn anything else after coming out of law classes every day.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Yogurt! I love it. My favorite is probably greek yogurt with a bit of honey or fruit.

T is for favorite treat: Err….ice cream. 😛

If you know of an ice cream rehab with comfortable beds and good food, let me know.

U is for something that makes you unique: Oh a lot of things! 😉 Being married at this age and having both of us be law students is pretty darn unique I think! We were the only students in our class who came in married to another student in the class.

V is for favorite vegetable: Hard to choose! I think currently broccoli rabe is my favorite!

W is for today’s workout: Err…I walked a lot around Lowe’s. 🙂

X is for X-rays you’ve had: A lot, no idea how many. The last one was for my right foot, which has been inexplicably swollen for the past 10 years (maybe that should have been my random fact! :P).

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Watching Game Change, the newly released HBO movie about the McCain-Palin campaign. It was SO good. Brought back so many memories of that crazy election cycle. You should watch it!

Z is for your time zone: Eastern

Okay, I want to know some things about you guys! Pick the first letter of the state you live in and answer the question! Or just pick one that you like!
Thanks for reading!
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