WIAW: Big Mystery
Hope you guys are having a great week! Some of my classes have been cancelled and I’m officially done with school for the week! 🙂 It’s a good thing because I’m struggling a bit health-wise. I keep going to doctor after doctor after doctor and no one has any idea what’s going on. Tomorrow I’m headed to an allergist/immunologist, so let’s hope he can solve the big mystery! To be honest, I’m tired of being 24-years-old and feeling this way. I know it could be worse. A lot of people have it worse. But it also really could be better. Anyhow, I got a shot a steroids at my doc yesterday and I’m on another 3-week course of ‘roids at home so I feel good now. And my appetite has been sort of good lately! Let’s take a peek, shall we?

Breakfast: white grits, fried egg, un-pictured handful of dried apricots
Can you tell we need to go grocery shopping? Haha, this is not my typical breakfast. My doc also told me to avoid peanut butter (THE HORROR!) so my usual hot cereal with PB is off the table for now…
Lunch: romaine salad with roasted chicken and asian dressing, protein shake
With the bumps in the road lately I’ve been losing some weight, which is not ideal because I was already at the low end of my “happy weight”. I’ve been trying to increase my caloric intake with things like protein smoothies. This one has a banana, protein powder, almond milk, and a little ice cream! I’m planning on writing a post soon about how I’m learning to gain weight in the healthiest way I can.
Dinner: MOE’S!!!
That’s right. Moe Wednesday is making a comeback. I feel like it’s been too long. I enjoyed a ground beef burrito with the usual fixings of lettuce, salsa, guac, rice, beans, sour cream, cheese, and cilantro. It tastes so good when it’s 50% off (they have a student discount on Wednesdays!).
But of course, my favorite parts is actually the chips and dip. Duh.
Our Moe’s just got one of those sweet new Coke machines that has a touch screen and lets you pick from many customized flavors! I don’t drink soda often at all so this was SUCH a fun way for me to enjoy it as a treat! This machine is SO cool! So cool in fact that it’s my #marchphotoaday today! The prompt was “delicious”!
I made myself a Sprite with a burst of peach flavor! So good!
Dessert: S’mores ice cream sandwich
These things are SO good. I am trying to gain some poundage, after all. 😛
Enjoy the rest of your week!
***Congrats to the winner of the OXO food scale, #9–Lisa Marie!!! Expect an email soon for your mailing info! 🙂***