WIAW- Sayonara Steroids
Next week is the last week of classes for the year, which I can hardly believe! This semester went by in a flash. I can’t wait for it to be over though! The semester isn’t the only thing coming to an end. Today marks the LAST DAY of my course of steroids! If the most recent diagnosis is correct, I should be done with them for good! It’s too soon to tell right now if I’m off the hook forever but I’m just glad that this course is over. I know you’re tired of hearing about it, and I’m tired of living with it. So let’s all hope that this is the last WIAW where you’ll see drugs making me eat like I’m about to go into hibernation…

Breakfast: multigrain O’s, banana, almond milk
I found these Honey Nut Cheerios knock-offs at Whole Foods (we stopped at one in Richmond on the way back from Jersey) and they are SO good. I wish we lived near a Whole Foods…I would buy cereals like this all the time!
Second Breakfast: golden flax bread with “butter” and strawberry jam; spinach, goat cheese, and roasted pepper omelet; strawberries
Seriously, since being on these meds I can’t survive unless I eat two breakfasts. The second has to be ginormous and I eat every. last. bite.
I had some Emergen-C on the side. Don’t wanna risk getting sick during finals!
Lunch: homewrecker burrito with a million ingredients, chips, queso, some fizzy to drink
We switched it up this week and did Moe Wednesday for lunch instead of dinner! It was a good choice. I got a little chipotle ranch in my burrito this time and it made for an especially delicious meal.
But of course, you know what my favorite part of the meal was.
The new 100 flavor Coke machine actually has a sparkling water option, so I went with half sparkling water and half Peach Fanta. It was still so sweet and delicious!
This is embarassing. I blame it on the drugs but some of it is just lack of willpower…
Let’s not even get into how many servings of each of those things I ate…yeesh.
Dinner: Easter ham, yams, roasted green beans, mac ‘n cheese
We brought a lot of food back from the Easter celebration which has been VERY helpful this week. I made green beans and my southern mac ‘n cheese to go along with some of those leftovers.
I used orchiette pasta for the mac ‘n cheese which actually came out really well. I swear there’s pasta underneath all that cheese! 😉
And to drink I had some of this…
…to chase down THIS:
The last pill was so important to me that I couldn’t resist taking a picture. Goodbyeeeeee prednisone…thanks so much for the sleepless nights, mood swings, acne, extra 7 pounds, and all the other lovely gifts you left me. It’s been real. I won’t miss you.
Speaking of which…I’m realizing that there’s no way I’m going to bed without eating something else…I’m already starving again! But that will just have to remain a mystery to you. Hint: it will probably involve more Peeps and chocolate.
Thanks for reading!