Beginner's Fitness: Workout Fuel
Hey all! I’m still over here studying like a crazy person but I did want to pop in with a quick post that’s the first of a new series I’ll be doing. Recently, for a lot of reasons (which I’ll go into later in a separate post at some point), I have gotten into a consistent fitness routine. I’m loving it so far and it’s really the first time in my life that I’ve done a whole lot other than yoga and actually worked up a sweat every day. I’m realizing as a “beginner” to fitness that it’s VERY overwhelming to filter through all the information online and in books and actually build a fitness plan from scratch when you have NO clue what you’re doing. I hope this series will help those of you who are like me and just, frankly…don’t know the first thing about exercise and can’t afford to hire someone to tell you what to do! I’m not an expert, not a doctor, and I’m sure you already know that you should consult your doctor with any questions or concerns about your health.
Today I want to talk about workout fuel! I figured I would start these talks with food because…well, I know food. 🙂
Pre-Workout–> Energy!
You need:
- carbs
- small amount of protein
- small amount of fat
Today I actually did an early afternoon workout, which meant that I would just eat one full breakfast instead of spreading it out. So I had a delicious carb-heavy breakfast (whole wheat buttermilk pancakes, strawberries, half of a greek yogurt) a little over 2 hours before exercising.
Post-Workout–> Recovery!
You need:
- protein
- carbs
(within 30 minutes-1 hour of working out is best)
After your muscles have done all that hard work, they need protein to help them repair and recover! It’s important to have enough protein in order to build (or even just maintain) your muscles. This Livestrong article says that “protein cell turnover, or the process by which your body begins to synthesize new protein cells and rids itself of old ones, occurs at an increased rate within about one hour following exercise.” So don’t wait to long after your workout to eat! It’s also good to have some more carbs to help with energy. My post-workout snack (which is most days the second half of my breakfast) is usually a protein shake (fruit, almond milk, protein powder) and then some kind of whole grain food like bread or oatmeal. Lately I’m also liking stirring a scoop of protein powder into a big bowl of oatmeal.
Today since my post workout meal was lunch, I did a bowl with whole wheat couscous on the bottom, lentils and chicken on top, and green beans on the side. I also had the rest of that greek yogurt that I started before my workout.
Also don’t forget that before, during, and after your workout you need to DRINK WATER!
I hope this was good for some of you workout novices like myself. Fitness/nutrition experts (I love you guys, learn so much from you!), please let me know if I got something wrong, left something out, or if you have any advice!
Are you a beginner to fitness like me or are you a pro? What’s your favorite snack for before or after a workout?
Thanks for reading!