WIAW: It's Crunch Time
Happy Wednesday everyone! Or at least it’s happy if you’re not sleep deprived and in distress mode like I am right now. Tomorrow is my hardest (environmental law…you don’t even know), longest (8-hours…someone shoot me), and most ill-prepared-for (how do you study something you never understood in the first place?) exam yet. It’s my last exam, but that fact brings me no relief in my hour of need…which is right now.

8:00am: Sun has just risen and I think I’ve already hit my quota for brain activity in one day. Who am I kidding, that quota was permanently hit like a week ago. Time to eat something.
8:15am: Wish that had taken longer to eat…because now I have to go back to studying…
9:00am: I’ve never been so happy to have workout time arrive!!! Lifting weights > The Clean Air Act
9:40am: shower
10:00am: Breakfast time! How many ways can I squeeze protein into this? Protein powder + greek yogurt + oatmeal = proteiny bowl of goodness .
10:30am: It appears as though I’ve run out of my pills at the worst possible time. No choice but to take the half hour drive to go get more…all the while thinking about how I really should be studying. Will regret this later. Oh well, Starbucks will help me feel better.
12:00pm: Back home…back to the grind.
1:30pm: My stomach is yelling at me…time for lunch! Leftover soup and a salad it is. With my book.
4:30pm: Jason’s not home and there are not nearly enough distractions from my impending doom…snack time it is.
7:30pm: My brain can’t take any more environmental statutes…switching modes to the paper for my other class that’s due on Friday. Might as well have some nuts while I’m at it.
9:00pm: Thank goodness for dinners that require only a few minutes of my time. Veggie burgers and fries! Jason turns Modern Family on while we’re eating. Bless that boy.
10:00: Now there’s REALLY nothing left to do but come to terms with the impending doom. Oh wait, there’s that blog post to write! Muahaha take that, doom!
And there you have it…ending the day just where I started it. 10 more hours until the exam. You best believe that means I’ll be studying for the next 10 hours. You know what they say, you can sleep when you’re dead! What’s that you say? That’s just an idiotic and completely untrue excuse for people that are too “busy” to rest? Oh well. It’s the only thing I can think of.
Thanks for…reading? I don’t even know…that was such nonsense I don’t even know what you call it. I should say: Thank you for paying attention to me while I write a blog post that’s the equivalent of a goldfish that fell out of its tank in the few seconds while it’s flailing around looking for water before it…well, you know.
P.S. Forgive any typos. Forgive me in general. Thank you.