Ashley's Simple and Easy Chocolate Bananas (VIDEO)
This is a guest post from my little sister! She did such a great job last year that I was happy to let her post again. ALL of the words in the post are hers! She wrote everything and came up with her own lines for the vlog. What can I say–we share good genes. ๐ Take it away, Ashley!
Hi guys,Today I made some chocolate bananas! They were so good,and good as a fun treat.
They look yummy,right? I got the idea when I was at the Decatur Arts Festival,and I saw a stand that says Chocolate bananas.So I decided i’ll do that for you guys.I love to do these kind of things.I can’t believe how pretty they look! The sprinkles topped it all off.
Ms.LWW (aka my twenty four year old sister)said “They’re delicious,the chocolate makes it special”.
I really enjoy doing snacks.Especially when I make it with the the person I love dearly.I hope I’ll talk to you guys soon!!!!!
Ps.Trust me,I will beg Lauren for more guest post :)Have a great week,BYE!!!
Your little chef,
Ashley will be responding to any comments below so please show her some love! ๐