
WIAW: Plenty of Snacks

I started my new job this week! It’s going really well so far. It’s a 10 week internship at a large non-profit group and I’m LOVING how laid back the office environment is. It’s really weird for me to have a work day schedule so my meals have been more like weird extended snacks lately. Very appropriate for the new WIAW theme!


Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in almond milk and topped with PB and blueberries

Snacks: plantain chips, roasted edamame, mango smoothie, Panda Puffsย 

…and one of THESE!

Recipe to come tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Lunch?: Annie’s mac ‘n cheese

What can I say, Ashley loves the stuff and it’s on sale at Kroger.

Afternoon Snack: protein smoothie (forgot to take a picture)

Dinner: enchiladas, taco salad

I made Mexican for the family tonight! Chicken enchiladas with tomatillo sauce and beef enchiladas with red sauce.

And this delicious taco salad to go along with it! I’ve had the recipe bookmarked since it was posted and was waiting for the perfect Mexican night to make it.

I had half of a beef enchilada and a nice helping of greens. I went back for seconds of the salad!

Dessert: protein milkshake (ice cream inside! ๐Ÿ™‚ )

I better get to bed…I’m supposed to get up early for a run!

Thanks for reading!
