
Monday Gratitude

I think many of us are tempted into complaining on Mondays, mostly because the weekends always go by too fast and the beginning of a new whole new work week just doesn’t seem like a pleasant time. But this Monday, I won’t be complaining. I recently started Living the Surrendered Life (thanks to Mama Pea, read all about it here) and today’s devotional really struck a chord with me. Being happy, being grateful, is a choice that is completely up to each of us. We all have a million and one things to be grateful for every day that we ignore, and it’s up to us whether we appreciate and enjoy those things or remain in a constant state of wanting. Today I choose to be grateful.

I’m grateful that I grew out of my asthma, and that I have an able body that can run three miles. I know that if I keep working, that time number will go down (I shaved a minute off it this morning!) and I’m grateful for that, too.

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I’m grateful that there are so many incredible foods that have the power to heal and restore our bodies.

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I’m also pretty darn grateful that spinach juice doesn’t taste nearly as bad as it looks. It actually tastes pretty good!

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I’m grateful for my summer internship. Even though it’s not my dream position and it doesn’t pay me, I had no idea how much I would love working for a non-profit. I’m grateful that I get to put something good on my resume while also doing most of my work from my bed. Win.

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I’m grateful for quickly disappearing healthy chocolate chip cookies

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…and my amazing husband who looks so cute in a tie and ate one of those cookies right up because he had no idea they were “healthy”.

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I’m grateful for the summer heat, because it means more time to spend outside grilling.

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I’m grateful that we have plenty of good food and are blessed enough to go to bed full every night.

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I’m grateful for twilight.

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And twilight bike rides.

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I’m grateful for ice cream and laughs and late night trips that parents don’t know about.

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Saying that happiness is a choice makes it also sound like it’s easy. We all know it’s not easy. Life likes to throw curveballs, and sometimes it’s all about whether you choose to focus on what you don’t have versus what you do.

What do you choose?

