
WIAW: Going to Bootcamp

Happy Wednesday to all! Yes, I took a little unintentional holiday from blogging this week…life just got busy! And busy in a good way. But I’m back now and ready to show you all that I ate today! I’m especially excited to tell you guys something…


That’s right–I’m going to bootcamp! I’m registered in this round of online fitness bootcamp offered by an amazing fellow Georgian named Tina! I wanted to be involved in the first round she had back in the spring but it fell right in the middle of law school exams so I decided to hold off. But this time I’m ALL IN and I’m so excited about it. My goal is not to loose weight or change clothing sizes…it’s to become STRONGER and feel healthier overall. So far Tina has been sufficiently kicking my butt. 😉

Now onto the food!


Pre-workout breakfast: Arrowhead Mills whole grain buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup

Workout: lower body supersets, power walking

Today’s bootcamp workout began with some intense lower body supersets, which I did at home with my weights and things since no gym machines were required. I was feeling the BURN. My cardio afterwards involved 20 minutes of power walking outside. I walked as fast as I could non-stop and boy was I exhausted by the end of it. Bootcamp is motivating me to work out harder than I ever have before and it hurts so bad feels amazing. I can’t wait to see the results it will bring!

(Don’t worry, this won’t become a blog where you see a pic of me all sweaty every day…I think food pictures are much more appealing! 😉 )

Post-workout breakfast: scrambled eggs and kale, mango, grits

Morning snacks: granola and almond milk at home, Dunkin’ iced coffee with a pump of hazelnut flavor while on the road

Lunch: huge bowl of edamame, leftover stir-fry (vermicelli, chicken, bell pepper, broccoli all in teriyaki sauce), Honest Tea to drink

Dinner: ballpark hot dog, water

Funny story. We went to a minor league baseball game tonight. I got the veggie dog thinking it would be a Field Roast veggie dog (like the big stadium downtown has) and therefore closer to real food than a traditional dog. What I got instead what some horrid tasting textureless soy matter.

I threw it out and got a “real” dog instead. Real in serious quotes because I think this thing had about as much real meat as that gross soy dog. 😛

Water on the side because it’s one of my bootcamp goals to avoid all sodas and sugary drinks! I’m happy to say I met that goal for today.

Dessert: caramel corn Quakes

I have such a soft spot for Quakes…they are so addictive and I used to hoard them in college. But they’re full of HFCS so these days I know better. They’re now an occasional treat instead!


I’m off to go watch Jane By Design with the little sis before bed. Thanks for reading!




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