Re-Moving In
We are still working on settling back into our house here! It’s been empty for three months and definitely feels like it. Aside from an empty fridge and pantry, we definitely have some work to do with organizing/unpacking all of our things. After a big trip to Goodwill to donate some no longer needed items, we went for a huge Costco run! In addition to boring things like paper towels and soap, I picked up some awesome food items.
The stuff I’m most excited about? This new granola with ancient grains:
New Starbucks K-Cups!
A new protein powder:
And an awesome sounding whole grain blend:
In addition to all these goodies, we were pleasantly suprised with some more treats on our doorstep when we got home. Back last week when we were visiting James Madison University for my brother (out in the western part of Virginia), the hubs and I took my baby sister Ashley for a fun activity so that she wouldn’t have to sit through another boring college tour.
Pottery painting!
It was actually a TON of fun for all of us and I’m really happy we decided to do it!
Well the pottery studio glazed and fired our pieces for us and promised to mail them along when they were ready. Our finished pieces were waiting for us when we got home yesterday! My mug:
Ashley’s (more awesome) mug:
Isn’t it great?! I’m going to mail it to her down in Georgia tomorrow and I know she’s going to be so proud to see how well it came out.
Jason’s pepper bowl:
I should have known Jason would make something pepper related! He’s obsessed. I’m assuming he’s saving the bowl for these chiles that he’s been ripening and drying for the past few weeks:
After we did all our shopping we stopped for some fro-yo at a new place here called Zinga. This place was great. I got a combo of vanilla, toasted coconut, and cafe au lait yogurts.
Needless to say, we weren’t hungry for dinner for a while. I’ll leave you with this iPhone pic that a monarch so gracefully allowed me to take while we were out today!
Sometimes it’s the little things that make like beautiful. Literally.
Thanks for reading!