Late August VA Produce
It’s been so long since I did one of these posts! If you’ve been around here a while then you probably remember that Jason and I participate in a local food co-op here in Virginia (check out Off the Vine if you’re in Eastern Virginia). We love our produce shares and really missed getting them while we were gone this summer. Last year’s shares taught me a lot about eating seasonally!
I was really excited to start up again as soon as we got home. Our first box came today!
Beautiful! This was an incredible box and we can’t wait to dig in. The goods included organic zucchini:
Muscadines (a favorite of mine!):
Green beans:
Green, red, and grape tomatoes:
Green bell peppers (we’re stuffing them for dinner tonight!):
Tomatillos (salsa anyone?):
Plus some lettuce, jalepeños, and a surprise crookneck squash:
I’m excited for another year of local produce and excited to be able to share it with you all again! After this box I feel a taco night coming on in a serious way.
Thanks for reading!