
WIAW: #DNC2012

I haven’t had much of a life lately besides going to class, eating, sleeping (very little), running errands, and watching the Democratic National Convention. And that is totally okay with me. We may be sunburned and hurting from waiting outside nearly 7 hours yesterday to see the President, but we sure are happy. My food definitely reflects my busy life right now!


The theme for this month is awesome! I love to focus on developing better habits. Except WHY is everyone acting like fall is here??? It’s breaking my heart. It’s still summer, people. For another 17 glorious days. You will NOT hear me talking about it until then. It’s SUMMER. Moving on. 😉

Breakfast: bowl of Chex with milk and a sliced banana

Lunch of Grazing: apple w/peanut butter, multigrain crackers w/ pub cheese, unpictured peanut butter protein bar

Between going to and from school and running important errands I was too busy to stop and eat a real lunch. Hate it when that happens! I grabbed snacks as needed.

Dinner: roasted tomato pesto with italian sausage and local pasta

Dessert: peach and strawberry crisp (based on my standby recipe)

The delegates just officially nominated the President (in the very minute I’m pressing publish on this post)! This is such a cool time to be alive.

Thanks for reading!


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