Rest Day
I had fully intended on getting up early and making a nice, early Southern meal on this lovely Sunday and making an awesome post out of it. But this is the first day since Easter that I haven’t been going to classes and working all day long (I’m talking in the classroom at 10am and not home from work until past midnight) so I just decided to enjoy Sunday for what it is supposed to be…a day of REST. And boy does it feel nice. Your soul needs rest just as much as it needs food!
Instead of an elaborate dinner, I’ll show you a few things that have been feeding my soul lately. Sometimes it’s the little things (and by things I mean food) that make life awesome.
I have unleashed my inner Starbucks beast. Grande vanilla soy latté please, thankyouverymuch.
(SUPER old picture…excuse my laziness)
For the past several years, I’ve made a concerted effort to only visit Starbucks a few times a year as a special occasion. I did that because I know how much I love their drinks and how easy it is to get carried away and spend a ton of money there. BUT since I started working last year, I decided that I deserve to frequently enjoy a treat that I love. Plus there’s a Starbucks across the street from the Trader Joe’s where I work. Plus I just got the Starbucks app and really want that darn Gold Card!
#2- Brie cheese and crackers
I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I cannot stop eating brie cheese. I NEVER used to eat soft cheeses, and if I did I would eat it in melted form only. I didn’t even know that anyone ate brie cold! Manning the sample table at work got me to try a few new cheeses, and now I’m hooked on cold brie with crackers. I have it pretty much every day. And every week I buy a new variety of cheese to try at home. My absolute favorite it the Brie with Mushrooms, but I’m also loving the “spotlight” cheese of the month, Pont L’eveque. It’s a soft and creamy rind cheese with an incredible earthy flavor. Jason thinks it’s nasty and smelly, and I think it’s delicious. I think interesting cheeses are to him what spicy foods are to me. Everyone’s palette is different!
My favorite TJ’s crackers to eat with my cheese are the stone ground wheat crackers (they look like saltines but taste even better) and the new Brioche Toasts!
Of any sort. I’ve devoured at least a couple bags of Milk Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pretzels and inhaled this sucker along with help from Jason:
Before I go I have a question and would love your input! I thought it might interest some readers if I did an informative post (or two) about TJ’s. What would you guys like to know? Anything about Trader Joe’s you ever wondered? What are the most tasty cookies? The products with the best value? Best convenience foods? Best wine…anything like that? I’m open to pretty much any topic. Of course I don’t represent the company in any way, but I do have a lot of experience with their products and am happy to provide my honest opinion. Let me know!
I hope you enjoyed some rest today, too. Thanks for reading!