
Reflections on Meat-Free Life: 60 Days Later

I was actually planning on writing a post after my first month of vegetarianism, but the truth is that time has been going so quickly that a month of this new lifestyle went by without me even noticing.

So far it’s had it ups and downs, but I’m overwhelmingly VERY HAPPY with this life. I’ve elluded to this before, but abstaining from eating animals feels like such an intuitive thing to me and this transition really feels like something I was always meant to do. There was always a nagging feeling that I was betraying my own values when I was still eating meat, and I love being free of that gross feeling. I feel like I’m keeping my body clean and pure. I honestly don’t see myself ever going back to eating meat. I feel happier, my digestion has improved, and I’ve gotten a chance to try some awesome new vegetarian foods. Also I swear that my skin has been cooperating more than usual lately!


With that said, I’ve definitely had my challenges. The NUMBER ONE challenge for me right now is that it truly pains me to have to restrict myself in terms of food. I ADORE FOOD. Food is my life. I take my joy from trying any new food I can get my hands on and constantly learning about new flavors. Before I became vegetarian, there was almost no food that I would refuse. I don’t know if I will ever get used to the feeling of looking at a restaurant menu and scanning down the list of foods saying “Can’t have that…nope, can’t have that…nope, not that either…” For a foodie like myself, this is a huge challenge.

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But one of the reasons I keep having these experiences is because I live in a small town with no vegetarian restaurants. Atlanta is a much more veg-friendly city, and I can’t wait to move there and feel like I have options again.



(Amazing vegetarian panini at Lottafrutta in Atlanta)

Another challenge I’ve had is learning how to cook without meat. Everything I know about cooking comes from the traditional principal that fat is flavor. And it is. There is no replacement for bacon grease. There is no substitute for the tasty brown bits that get left behind in the pan after you sear a piece of chicken. I’m having to adjust my view of what flavor really is and embrace the variety of awesomeness that mother nature provides without the use of a dead animal. Herbs are important. Trying new things is important. And I’m still very much a work in progress on this. I’ve been doing a lot of reading to learn from all the smart and talented people who now how to make amazing plant-based food.


It’s going to take some time for me to feel like I’ve really hit my stride with this new way of cooking and eating. I’ve eaten snacks (trail mix, cheese and crackers, rice cakes, etc.) for meals many more times than I care to admit. But I’m working on it, and am determined to feel as confident in plant-based cooking as I once did with meat-based cooking.

Favorite vegetarian meals at the moment:

  • Dr. Prager’s veggie burgers
  • veggie quesadillas
  • eggplant parmesan
  • stir-fry with firm tofu
  • brie cheese and crackers (I have a problem.)
  • grilled cheese

I’m planning to do another update at 100 days in. I think a lot will have changed by then.

Thanks for reading!


Have you ever tried vegetarianism? Was it hard for you to adjust? What are your favorite meat-free meals?

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