Easy Natural Cleaning
I have been wanting to get rid of my chemical household cleaners for a really long time, but for some reason I put it off. I thought it would be too expensive, would require more elbow grease, wouldn’t do as good a job as old fashioned bleach and 409. I’m so glad to have proved myself wrong!
I decided to make the switch for two main reasons: 1) it’s very challenging to use cleaners with a lot of fumes when you’re in an apartment with few windows 2)I wanted a cleaner that I wasn’t scared of touching without gloves and that our sweet dog could lick (because he WILL lick it) without dying. I just wanted something natural and non-toxic! I had been seeing the Dr. Bronner’s liquid soap in stores and on the internet for years…so one day in Target I just walked by and swiped it off the shelf.
This stuff is a MIRACLE. It is ALL YOU NEED and will ever need. Seriously. It’s highly concentrated and can be used in a huge variety of ways. There’s a million different recipes that people have online that match different uses–but I’ve found that between the castille soap, baking soda, and vinegar, I only need a few formulas and they work for my whole house.
Surface cleaner (for countertops, sinks, toilet, bathtub, carpet stains, appliances): 1/2 t. liquid soap and 30 oz. water
Glass cleaner: 6 oz. white vinegar, 24 oz. water
Deep stains or tougher spots: spray with surface cleaner, sprinkle with baking soda
I also bought this natural enzyme cleaner for our floors. It wasn’t really necessary because the castille soap works great on floors, but we use one of those swiffer type mops and I was concerned about letting the castille sit inside the mop for long periods of time. It works pretty well but it’s not really a miracle product.
Here’s a couple examples of how well the Dr. Bronner’s works. It’s super effective on that nasty pink bacteria that thrives on wet surfaces like sinks and showers.
And with a little baking soda it does a beautiful job on stainless steel.
The fragrance is delicate and refreshing (no fumes at all!) and it keeps our house shiny and clean.
Did I just post a picture of a toilet on my blog? Why yes. Yes I did. It’s a very clean toilet thought!
As you can probably tell, I’m in love with this cleaner. So far there’s no job that it hasn’t been able to tackle. I look forward to trying it in other ways, like as a fruit and vegetable wash and laundry detergent.
This post reminds me that I never showed you guys around our new place! Coming soon. After a delicious dessert recipe!