
Year Three

YOU GUYS. Three years ago today, I made a loaf of bread after class and took pictures of it. I texted my friends and asked them to help me think of a cute name. And I started a blog.


A few of you came and saw it. Then a few more of you came. Then I got all smiley. And fell in love with photography. And tested hundreds of recipes. I learned that there were things I could be kinda GOOD at. Things I had a passion for!





And here we are! 663 posts, 983 photos, two new cameras, lots of new friends, and three years later. All I have in my heart is love and gratitude.

I have learned so much and grown so much from blogging, and this space has become a true refuge for me. Three years ago I made one of the BEST decisions I have ever made in my life. Thank you guys for being here with me!


I would LOVE IT if you would comment below and say hi! Tell me how long you’ve been reading and maybe a little about yourself! Let’s be friends.