
Chasing Waterfalls

I’m feeling well again! Thank goodness. The apple cider vinegar shots did the trick. No, really! Actually I’ve been feeling really good overall. Since I did the Daniel Fast I’ve really been trying to make clean, plant-based living my lifestyle instead of just a wagon to keep falling off. The fast forced me to really stick to completely clean eating for longer than I ever had before, and I quickly realized how much it improved the rest of my life. I’ve been working on eating lots of raw foods in the form of whole fruits and big salads!

everyday salad-2The above salad is filled with chopped cauliflower, sliced cucumber and carrots, broccoli sprouts, celery, cherry tomatoes and more!

20140123-DSC_0566And that salad was yesterday’s lunch! Pea shoots, baby spinach, eggs, tomatoes, and fresh dill. I try to eat one big salad every day, and I’ve really been enjoying chopped raw vegetable salads instead of lettuce based ones. The other part of why I’ve been feeling so awesome is that I’m EXERCISING again! I’m doing the Tone It Up! Bikini Series and have actually been staying (mostly) on track with daily workouts during the series. I made a new Instagram account just to document my meals and workouts, you should follow me there! In an effort to make exercise fun and more a part of my lifestyle, I planned a little hiking adventure for Ashely and myself today.

20140123-DSC_0575Georgia is SUCH a beautiful state! We have gorgeous mountains, beaches, and even waterfalls all within our borders. Today we drove to Sweetwater Creek Park, which I was shocked to find is only 30 minutes from my house! It feels so remote and peaceful at this park, and I loved being able to hike alongside the sound of rushing water. Cynewulf loved it, too! He jumped in at the first chance he got!

20140123-DSC_0569There were some cool ruins along the trail that I wasn’t expecting to see. This was a textile mill hundreds of years ago!


We were planning to hike the full trail up to an overlook to see the falls, but some fellow hikers warned us of a 6-FOOT SNAKE in the trail up ahead so we ended up stopping short and turning around. Mostly I was nervous that Cynewulf would do something unwise because he knows no bounds when it comes to wild animals. Didn’t matter much to us though, the views were beautiful the whole way!

20140123-DSC_0589-2We stopped and grabbed a seat on a boulder along the water for a little snack towards the end. And of course I took the opportunity to Instagram the awesomeness!

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It’s a very good thing we turned back when we did. At the very end of the trail Cynewulf did the exact thing I thought he would and lunged at a snake when he saw it in the brush. I was just glad it was a smallish non-venomous one! No clue what would have happened with the 6-footer. Silly dog.

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We had a great time! I definitely want to incorporate hikes into my fitness routine more often.

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Coming back with a special surprise to share with you tomorrow! It involves dessert. Lots of dessert. ๐Ÿ™‚
