Lordy. I have not seen you since last What I Ate Wednesday. I hate to see my blogging becoming so sparse. I miss my usual posting schedule and interacting with you all, but life has just taken over! In addition to studying for the bar (which really needs no addition), our sweet new doggie has been having a lot of issues. While he’s an angel when we’re at home, he simply cannot handle being alone for any amount of time. His skittishness quickly turned into full fledged separation anxiety, and he’s to the point where he’s hurting himself because of how afraid and anxious he is. I feel so sad that he struggles with these feelings so much! I wish we could have been the ones to give him a home from day one so that he would never have to know the fear of abandonment.
We ended up making a trip to the emergency vet clinic on Sunday because he splintered his nails trying to break out of the crate. He somehow managed to completely break the lock off and make his poor little paws bleed in an attempt to escape when we left him at home to go to church. It was so scary to come home to that! We aren’t going to leave him home alone anymore until we’re certain that he’ll be safe and happy on his own. Of course I know that we accepted these responsibilities when we adopted him, but there was no indication that he had these kinds of problems and we weren’t really anticipating this level of time and financial commitment. No matter, we’ll do whatever it takes! He’s a part of our family now and we’re certainly not giving up on him. We’re giving doggie daycare a try, which he seems to really enjoy. We even bought him a doggie ice cream when we picked him up today as a reward for being so good. This dog is spoiled.
ANYWAYS. Isn’t this a food blog? What? Who? Yup. Oops.

With all that’s going on, I STILL haven’t had time to stock or set up the kitchen in our new place. So I haven’t been doing ANY cooking. Lucky for us, my mom is a great cook and is nice enough to invite us over for dinner every day AND give us leftovers to take home. Boy is it nice living in the same city as family!
Breakfast: granola, strawberries, almond milk
That didn’t hold me over long AT ALL.
Morning Snack: KIND bar
Eaten while trying desperately to stay awake for the law of torts.
Lunch: leftover pasta with vegetables (mom’s cooking)
Afternoon Snack: Auntie Anne’s pretzel, PB and banana shared with Cynewulf
Did you know Auntie Anne’s makes a whole grain pretzel now?? Passed by and had to try it, but it was pretty disappointing. Nothing like the deliciousness of their original pretzel.
Dinner: pasta alfredo, green beans and potatoes
Dessert: ice cream
Forgot to take that last pic! Fail.
I certainly HOPE that everything starts to calm down and that I can chat with you guys more often. There’s not enough food love going on here.
Thanks for reading!
P.S.-Happy Loving Day!
Aw, so sorry to hear about the problems were your new pup. My mom adopted a 1 year-old dog about a year ago and he’s definitely got some trust issues as well. And it’s been a struggle for my mom, trying to figure out how to help him. Green beans, potatoes and ham was a staple meal growing up in my house 🙂