The weeks are suddenly going by really quickly. I can’t believe that March is more than halfway over. BUT WHY does it still feel like winter??? Today things warmed up a little in the ‘Burg, but overall it’s been in the 40’s, rainy, and windy, and gross. GROSS. I don’t understand. I’m ready for spring to come and stay for good! In the meantime, I’ll just stay inside and eat.

Not my healthiest breakfast, but it’s an old favorite. So delicious.
Morning Snack: two mandarin oranges
Tip: the organic mandarin oranges at Trader Joe’s (they come in a bag) are divine and a great deal. Go get some. I can’t stop eating them.
Lunch: veggie burger with cheddar cheese and avocado slices
Afternoon Snack: Kefir
I’m still into the Kefir! Have one every single day.
Dinner: vegan pasta primavera
I shared this with you guys yesterday. Delicious.
Dessert: TJ’s milk chocolate peanut butter cups
Only one day left in the school week for me! Can’t wait for the weekend.
Thanks for reading!
4 Responses
I am so ready for spring too. We have snow in the forecast for this weekend and I am dreading it. I’ve on a total veggie burger kick lately so that looks great!
We’ve actually been having flurries, which I can’t even believe!
Callie S
Lauren, what kind of veggie burger is that? It looks delicious! <3 Cal
It’s the Trader Joe’s brand plain veggie burger. It’s really good! It’s got kind of an indian type flavor to it.