This week is not going by quickly for me…a lot going on at work and at home! The rest of my family (mom, dad, siblings) are going out of town to visit colleges for my little bro today so it will be just Jason and me in the house for a little while. Busy times call for healthy habits, and I’m so glad that I finally got the juicer I’ve been wanting! I can’t wait to see the health benefits I reap from juicing, and I’m confident there will be many. This morning was my first time making and drinking a whole juice for myself–the start of something wonderful I hope!

The juice was DELICIOUS! I’m excited about it. Some variation of this juice will start my mornings (hopefully) every day. I sipped it slowly and then waited about an hour before eating the “solid” part of my breakfast.
Morning Snack: roasted edamame
Lunch: PBJ on whole wheat bread, protein shake, chicken salad
Dinner: garden salad, pizza
We went to a nearby pizza place for dinner, so fun!
I could barely finish one slice of pizza before I was completely full and in a food coma. I had already eaten a lot in the day so I guess I wasn’t all that hungry!
I love going out for dinner. My wallet does not love me going out for dinner. And I don’t care. Some things in life just must be enjoyed.
I hope that your week is going well. Here’s to Friday coming quickly!
Thanks for reading!
2 Responses
Ohhh… I can only imagine the juicing recipes we are going to see here on LWW.
Love that last picture! I feel so behind on the times because I don’t think I’ve ever had anything juiced except your standard apple, orange, grape juice. Love that bright orange color though.