The Pool and a Panic Attack

I’ve been doing a lot of cooking but just haven’t been in the mood to set up a photo shoot and write recipes and all that. I love doing those things, but sometimes I just get tapped out. Luckily for me this is a hobby! So instead of a recipe post I filmed another vlog! Tons of fun stuff happens in this one, I think you guys will really enjoy it!

And don’t worry, I FULLY intend on continuing to food blog. I just need a little break and I really enjoy the vlogging! Mom and I are working on a pie post that I will shoot in the next few days. See you then!


4 Responses

  1. Michelle

    My favorite part was the “Ashley Cam”. How special for her that she could participate!

    The job search process can be daunting. Keep on keeping on! This book has helped me in so many ways:

    Love Kenny too, btw. I know all about rescue dogs and their quirks…poor thing shaking in the storm 🙁 I’ll have to share a pic of my brother’s dog at some point. Kenny looks just like Pickles!

    • Lauren @ Dash of Soul

      Thank you, I’ll tell Ashley that you said so! And thanks for the book recommendation, I’ll check it out!

  2. Ali

    My favorite part was definitely the Ashley cam. You’re sister is so cute. You’re really lucky! I wish I had a baby sister right now to have fun experiences with.

    Also, amazing pool at your apartment. I am seriously a little envious of that. Although I live in Canada and it’s not quite as hot, I would die to be able to go out and enjoy such an incredible pool where I live.

    Good luck with the job search!

    • Lauren @ Dash of Soul

      Thank you so much! This is the first time in my life I’ve had a pool and it’s so great in the summer. 🙂