A New Jersey Thanksgiving

Hello from New Jersey! It’s amazing how a short time in the air can take you so far.


Thanksgiving day started with a light breakfast and a big cup of coffee. I love the way that my in-laws’ house fills with light. Light practically envelops you from the windows and it’s the best way to wake up in the morning.


It also makes it a really nice place to take photos with natural light!



I was really glad that my mother-in-law had some jobs set aside for me to help out with dinner! This was my first Thanksgiving away from home, but spending it in the kitchen with family makes the holiday feel right.


20130801-DSC_0598 I made cornbread, fresh cranberry sauce, and helped with the cranberry-almond couscous.





Mom and Dad had a great spread planned! This also turned out to be my first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian, but there were plenty of meat-free dishes that I could enjoy. Everything came out perfectly!



I think we all know that as long as you’re at the table with people you love, it’s a happy Thanksgiving!


I hope you had a great one, too!


3 Responses

  1. Matt @ Runner Savvy

    Sounds like a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Andy Herman

    Hello Lauren, it’s good to see you’ve a great Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones. I really like the lovely photos you shared. It’s truly celebrating an important day with loving persons is always a pleasure. After five years I’ve enjoyed Thanksgiving Day very pleasantly. Persons I love most in my life all kept their promises by attending this Thanksgiving Day for dinner and I know the feeling of such happiness. Anyway I enjoyed being here and will be back to check out more interesting momentum of your holiday celebration!!

    • Lauren @ Dash of Soul

      Thanks so much! Glad you had a good holiday too!